2008 Campaign Already?
Just look at what is slithering from under the rocks to announce his bid for the presidency: Chuck Hagel- freelance asshole, Hillary Clinton with her legs the size of tree trunks, Joe Biden- court jester, Governor Richardson (NM)- the highest ranking wetback in the country, Barrak Obama- colors within the lines and only cries when other children ask if he is white.
On the Republican side we have John McCain- a very brave patriot who sometimes gets confused as to which party he is in, Rudy Guiliani- schleping about 4,000 pounds of liberal stuff he has done to a relatively conservative convention. He might as well take a knife to a gun fight. Rudy is dead meat for the top spot but could make an excellent Vice Presidential candidate, Mitt Romney-died in the starting gate. His mandatory health insurance plan killed him. Ther are a few others who think they have the right stuff but the don't so I won't mention them.
The 2,000 pound gorilla lurking out there keeping a low profile and quietly making deals with the right people is: TA DA- Newt Ginghich. He is smarter and smoother than any of the others I named above and he isn't afraid of the opposition. Given the funding. Newt will be the next President.